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Due to the bug in Yarn, be careful to not use any special characters in path.

Repo setup

To hack on Storefront X, you will have to have working local version of the repository.

1. Requirements

You can install Yarn using npm i -g yarn command.

2. Clone the repository

git clone
cd storefront-x

3. Install dependencies

yarn install

4. Start the development server

yarn dev

You can now view Storefront X on localhost. Development server has hot-module-reloading, so you don't have to reload the browser for changes in source code to take effect.

Choosing an integration

Storefront X uses different sets of modules for different integrations. They are specified in different config files. To use different config file other than the default storefront-x.config.js, use the --config flag like this:

yarn dev --config storefront-x.magento.config.js

Running tests

For most of the tests to work, Storefront X has to be bootstrapped. This is done automatically, when starting the development server or you can run the bootstrap manually using this command:

yarn build --onlyBootstrap

Core tests

Storefront X uses Playwright for its core functionalities. These tests can be found inside tests/playwright directories inside Storefront X modules.

You can run integration tests using this command:

yarn test:playwright

Unit tests

Storefront X uses Vitest for its unit tests. These tests can be found inside tests/unit directories inside Storefront X modules.

You can run unit tests using this command:

yarn test:unit

Cypress tests

Storefront X uses Cypress for its E2E integration tests. These tests can be found inside cypress directories inside Storefront X modules.

Before you running Cypress tests, you need to either run the development server (yarn dev) or build the application (yarn build) so that the cypress directory in the root of the project is generated.

To open the Cypress GUI, run this command:

yarn cypress open

Pull request guidelines

  • Checkout a branch from the main branch, and merge back against that branch.

  • If working on Storefront X core or any core package (base, vue, vue-router, ...):

    • Add accompanying Playwright test.

    • Add documentation.

  • It's OK to have multiple small commits in your PR. PRs are squashed before merging.

  • Make sure pipelines will pass!