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Module for e-commerce wishlist. Requires corresponding integration module (e.g. @storefront-x/wishlist-magento).

useWishlist composable

Returns wishlist.


<!-- templates/Wishlist.vue -->

  <ProductProvider v-for="item in wishlist.items" :product="item.product">
    <ProductTile />

<script setup lang="ts">
import Heading from '#ioc/atoms/Heading'
import ProductProvider from '#ioc/providers/ProductProvider'
import ProductTile from '#ioc/molecules/ProductTile'
import useWishlist from '#ioc/composables/useWishlist'

const wishlist = useWishlist()

useAddToWishlist service

Adds product to wishlist.


<!-- molecules/AddToWishlist.vue -->

  <Button @click="onClick">Add to wishlist</Button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import Button from '#ioc/atoms/Button'
import injectProduct from '#ioc/composables/injectProduct'
import useAddToWishlist from '#ioc/services/useAddToWishlist'

const product = injectProduct()
const addToWishlist = useAddToWishlist()

const onClick = async () => {
  await addToWishlist(product)

useRemoveFromWishlist service

Removes product from wishlist.

useMergeWishlist service

Merges local wishlist with wishlist of currently signed in customer. Should be called before call to useGetWishlist service, so that local wishlist isn't polluted with customer wishlist.

useWishlistStore store

Stores state of the wishlist. Should be initialized in serverInit action. Will set local wishlist to state, if there is currently signed customer, it will get his wishlist and merge it with local one.