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Storefront X contains integration for Magento 2.

General integration code is inside the @storefront-x/magento module. Module's specific integrations are in modules, like @storefront-x/catalog-magento.

List of covered features

  • Product detail
    • Product info
    • Gallery
    • Reviews
  • Product listing & product search
    • Sort
    • Filters
    • Pagination
  • CMS
    • Pages
    • Blocks
    • Interactive blocks (products, carousel, banners, ...)
  • Cart
  • Checkout
    • Shipping methods
      • In-store pickup
      • Packeta
      • Flat rate delivery
    • Payment methods
      • Google Pay
      • Credit card
      • GP webpay
      • Cash on delivery
      • Bank transfer
  • Customer account
    • Sign-in, sign-up & password reset
    • Customer management (personal info)
    • Previous orders
    • Address management
    • Downloadable products
  • SEO & Meta tags
  • Wishlist
  • Cross-sell, up-sell & related products
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Blog
    • Categories
    • Articles
  • Shop by brand
  • Multi-store
  • Multi-currency

How to configure Magento endpoint?

Use MAGENTO_URL config to specify Magento backend endpoint to which Storefront X will connect.


You have to override it in your module because default value is not defined.

If you created demo Magento application, it's already overridden in the demo package:

// modules/demo-magento/config/MAGENTO_URL.ts

export default ''

Vanilla Magento

This integration works without any additional Magento modules (recommended version 2.4.5).

List of all available features:

  • Cart
  • Catalog
  • Checkout
  • CMS
  • Customer
  • Multi-currency
  • Multi-store
  • Product Reviews
  • Wishlist

You can extend vanilla integration with free SFX modules:

To install and enable SFX Magento modules use:

Install metapackage

composer require storefront-x/sfx_core

Enable module

magento module:enable StorefrontX_SfxStoreConfig StorefrontX_ProductAlertsGraphQl StorefrontX_ProductAttributesGraphQl Store
frontX_SfxGooglePayBraintree StorefrontX_EmailURLExtended StorefrontX_StoreConfigGQL

Upgrade magento

magento setup:upgrade

Full-featured Magento integration contains all features which SFX supports. This version requires some Amasty modules which are paid.

List of all available features:

  • Blog
  • BrainTree
  • Shop by Brand
  • Cart
  • Catalog
  • Checkout
  • CMS
  • Customer account
  • Multi-currency
  • Multi-store
  • Product reviews
  • Wishlist
  • Product Labels
  • Sitemap
  • Robots

List of paid modules: