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This module provides integration.

Create account, and get your SpeedCurve ID for RUM.

speed-curve/SPEEDCURVE_ID config

You can find SpeedCurve ID in your SpeedCurve RUM dashboard, inside the RUM snippet code. You need to override it by adding config/speed-curve/SPEEDCURVE_ID.ts to your module. To see how overriding works, click here.


This config variable needs to be overrided, because it doesn't contain any value by default!

// config/speed-curve/SPEEDCURVE_ID.ts

export default 'YOUR ID HERE'
// config/speed-curve/SPEEDCURVE_ID.ts

export default 'YOUR ID HERE'

This module is using speedCurve in SPA mode, meaning it sends beacon data when the user navigates to a new page. This way, you will get all the measurements and interactions done by the user in between pages. Also, the beacon with data is sent when the user leaves the page ( or simply changes a tab in the browser ) and after default 60 seconds are spent on the page.

Labeling of pages can be done manually with useAddSpeedCurveLabel click here or using default events on page loads from @storefront-x/event-bus here (only in Full-featured Magento module configuration) with prepared listener doing the labeling in this module ( more about events and listeners here).


<!-- pages/index.vue -->


<script setup lang="ts">
import Heading from '#ioc/atoms/Heading'
import { onMounted } from 'vue'
import useEmitPageViewLabel from '#ioc/bus/emitters/useEmitPageViewLabel'
import PAGE_LABELS from '#ioc/config/PAGE_LABELS'

const emitPageViewLabel = useEmitPageViewLabel()

onMounted(() => {
<!-- pages/index.vue -->


<script setup lang="ts">
import Heading from '#ioc/atoms/Heading'
import { onMounted } from 'vue'
import useEmitPageViewLabel from '#ioc/bus/emitters/useEmitPageViewLabel'
import PAGE_LABELS from '#ioc/config/PAGE_LABELS'

const emitPageViewLabel = useEmitPageViewLabel()

onMounted(() => {

useAddSpeedCurveLabel composable

Composable used to add a custom label to speedCurve LUX object.


  • label: string - your custom label


  <button @click="addLabel">Label page</button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import useAddSpeedCurveLabel from '#ioc/composables/useAddSpeedCurveLabel'

const addSpeedCurveLabel = useAddSpeedCurveLabel()

const addLabel = () => {
  <button @click="addLabel">Label page</button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import useAddSpeedCurveLabel from '#ioc/composables/useAddSpeedCurveLabel'

const addSpeedCurveLabel = useAddSpeedCurveLabel()

const addLabel = () => {

custom data collection

There is a prepared solution together with @storefront-x/magento module which collects graphql requests names and time they took and sends them as custom metrics to speedCurve LUX object. Requests done during SSR rendering are prefixed with SSR_. You will also get SSR_RequestsTotalResponseTime custom metrics representing how long, total time, all the requests on graphql took during SSR rendering.

useAddSpeedCurveCustomMetrics composable

Composable used to add a custom metrics to speedCurve LUX object.


  • name: string - your custom metrics name
  • value: any - your custom metrics value


  <button @click="addMetrics">Label page</button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import useAddSpeedCurveCustomMetrics from '#ioc/composables/useAddSpeedCurveCustomMetrics'

const addSpeedCurveCustomMetrics = useAddSpeedCurveCustomMetrics()

const addMetrics = () => {
  addSpeedCurveCustomMetrics('my-custom-metric-name', 18890420)
  <button @click="addMetrics">Label page</button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import useAddSpeedCurveCustomMetrics from '#ioc/composables/useAddSpeedCurveCustomMetrics'

const addSpeedCurveCustomMetrics = useAddSpeedCurveCustomMetrics()

const addMetrics = () => {
  addSpeedCurveCustomMetrics('my-custom-metric-name', 18890420)