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How to display data from backend


This is advanced way of fetching data which follows the best practices from Storefront X architecture (mappers, repositories and services). You do NOT need to follow this architecture and you can simply call fetch method inside useResource like in the Simple TODO app tutorial.

1. Create a new mapper

We need mapper to sanitize data returned from backend. We also use mappers to provide use with type information.


export default (data: any) => ({
  id: as number,
  title: data.title as string,
  done: (data.completed ?? false) as boolean,

2. Create new repository

We need repository for communication with backend. In this repository we can use fetch method or some adapter (e.g. useMagento). In this example, we will display a todo from the JSON placeholder.


import ToTodo from '#ioc/mappers/ToTodo'

export default () => {
  return async (id: string) => {
    const response = await fetch(`${id}`)
    const json = await response.json()
    return ToTodo(json)

3. Create a new service

Service wraps repository and adds business logic. A lot of the times there might not be additional business logic, so services might be basically empty.


import useGetTodoRepository from '#ioc/repositories/useGetTodoRepository'

export default () => {
  const getTodoRepository = useGetTodoRepository()

  return async (id: string) => {
    return await getTodoRepository(id)

4. Fetch data in a component

When fetching data that should be rendered on the page, we can't call the service normally. We have to call it inside useResource composable. If called on the server during server-side rendering, this composable stores fetched data and transfers them to the browser so that browsers has access to the same data and doesn't have to do any additional requests.


  <h1>{{ todo.title }}</h1>

<script setup lang="ts">
import useRoute from '#ioc/composables/useRoute'
import useResource from '#ioc/composables/useResource'
import useGetTodo from '#ioc/services/useGetTodo'

const route = useRoute()
const getTodo = useGetTodo()

const { data: todo } = await useResource(
  () => as string,
  (id) => getTodo(id),