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How to override a component

First, you need to know, which component to override and what's its relative path the root of its module (e.g. atoms/Button.vue). For this, you can either use the .sfx/ioc/ directory (more info here), or you can use Vue devtools.

Vue devtools

After you located your component, create new file with the same name and in the same concept (directory) as the component you want to override in your module. This module has to be loaded after the module in which the original component is located.


Original component: theme-tailwind/atoms/Button.vue

New component: my-module/atoms/Button.vue

export default {
  modules: [
    // some modules...
    // some modules...
    // some modules...

In development mode, overridden component is hot-module-reloaded so there is no need to restart dev server. But, for the production build, you will need to rebuild the application.


In the same way, you can override basically any file, not only components.