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Overriding allows for the easy replacement of parts of SFX, thereby modifying, adding, or removing functionality. For example, you can easily override how adding to cart works, how header/footer looks, how the catalog is displayed etc.

Overriding works in a file-based manner, so basically any file (page, component, service, composable, etc.) can be overridden.


Overriding rules are managed in the storefront-x.config.js file based on the position of imported module. The file from a later module will be used instead of the file from an earlier module. If only one module is imported, the file from that module will be used.

Overriding is one of the primary feature that allows Storefront X to be extremely flexible and performant at the same time.

How to override?

Imagine we have a default module-a with the Header.vue in the components' directory.

By default, this header contains the default setup, but with module-b enabled, this header will be overridden to our setup. Let's imagine our company would like to have a fixed menu all the time while scrolling and a different color palette. The best way to achieve this is to override the component.

// module-a/components/Header.vue

  <header class="bg-white border-b-2 border-primary-400 fixed top-0 md:static z-20 left-0 right-0">
    <Logo />
    <SearchBar />
    <MicroCart />

<script setup lang="ts">
import Logo from '#ioc/components/Logo'
import SearchBar from '#ioc/components/SearchBar'
import MicroCart from '#ioc/components/MicroCart'
// module-a/components/Header.vue

  <header class="bg-white border-b-2 border-primary-400 fixed top-0 md:static z-20 left-0 right-0">
    <Logo />
    <SearchBar />
    <MicroCart />

<script setup lang="ts">
import Logo from '#ioc/components/Logo'
import SearchBar from '#ioc/components/SearchBar'
import MicroCart from '#ioc/components/MicroCart'

We can achieve it by creating the components concept (directory) inside a module-b and put a new file with the same name there.

// module-b/components/Header.vue

  <header class="bg-slate-200 fixed border-b-2 border-slate-500 top-0 z-20 left-0 right-0">
    <Logo />
    <SearchBar />
    <MicroCart />

<script setup lang="ts">
import Logo from '#ioc/components/Logo'
import SearchBar from '#ioc/components/SearchBar'
import MicroCart from '#ioc/components/MicroCart'
// module-b/components/Header.vue

  <header class="bg-slate-200 fixed border-b-2 border-slate-500 top-0 z-20 left-0 right-0">
    <Logo />
    <SearchBar />
    <MicroCart />

<script setup lang="ts">
import Logo from '#ioc/components/Logo'
import SearchBar from '#ioc/components/SearchBar'
import MicroCart from '#ioc/components/MicroCart'

Finally, we have to import module-b after module-a in the storefront-x.config.js file.

// storefront-x.config.js

export default {
  modules: [
    // some modules...
    // some modules...
    // some modules...
// storefront-x.config.js

export default {
  modules: [
    // some modules...
    // some modules...
    // some modules...

The component from module-b will be used instead of the component from module-a.

Vice versa, if we import module-b before module-a, the component from module-a will be used. And if we import only one module (module-a or module-b), the component from that module will be used. The modules are independent of each other.

Nested files

The example above uses direct child of components concept. That is not a limitation, we can also override nested files. We just have to preserve the same path to the file in a new module. Let's look at the example, in which we want to change default copyright text.

  <section class="footer">
    <Logo />
    <div class="text-center">Copyright 2013-2023 Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.</div>
    <BackToTop />

<script setup>
import Logo from '#ioc/components/Logo'
import CopyrightInfo from '#ioc/components/CopyrightInfo'
import BackToTop from '#ioc/components/BackToTop'
  <section class="footer">
    <Logo />
    <div class="text-center">Copyright 2013-2023 Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.</div>
    <BackToTop />

<script setup>
import Logo from '#ioc/components/Logo'
import CopyrightInfo from '#ioc/components/CopyrightInfo'
import BackToTop from '#ioc/components/BackToTop'
  <section class="footer">
    <Logo />
    <div class="text-center">Copyright 2013-2023 Our Test Company, a.s. All rights reserved.</div>
    <BackToTop />

<script setup>
import Logo from '#ioc/components/Logo'
import CopyrightInfo from '#ioc/components/CopyrightInfo'
import BackToTop from '#ioc/components/BackToTop'
  <section class="footer">
    <Logo />
    <div class="text-center">Copyright 2013-2023 Our Test Company, a.s. All rights reserved.</div>
    <BackToTop />

<script setup>
import Logo from '#ioc/components/Logo'
import CopyrightInfo from '#ioc/components/CopyrightInfo'
import BackToTop from '#ioc/components/BackToTop'

Footer.vue is located in the components concept and app directory. So, we have to create the same path in the module-b and put the new file there.

Then, if we use module-b after module-a in the storefront-x.config.js file, the Footer.vue from module-b will be used instead of the Footer.vue from module-a.

You can find another practical example of overriding in the Cookbook section: Override component.

Which concepts support overriding?

There are many concepts that support overriding. The most common ones are:

  • components (contains *.vue components)
  • composables (contains *.{js,ts} composable functions)
  • pages (contains *.vue pages, look at the Routing section)
  • mappers (contains *.{js,ts} mappers - files for mapping data from backend - look at the Display data from backend section)
  • repositories (contains *.{js,ts} repositories - files for communication with backend - look at the Display data from backend section)
  • services (contains *.{js,ts} services - files that contain business logic - look at the Display data from backend section)
  • stores (contains *.{js,ts} Pinia stores - look at the Vue Pinia section)
  • config (contains *.{js,ts} configuration files)
  • graphql (contains *.{js,ts} GraphQL queries, mutations and fragments)
  • providers (contains *.{js,ts} providers - look at the Providers IoC concept)
  • tests (contains *.js unit or Playwright tests - look at the Running tests section)
  • cypress (contains *.js Cypress tests - look at the Cypress tests section)
  • errors (contains *.{js,ts} error mapper classes)
  • i18n (contains *.{js,ts,json} translation files - look at the Vue I18n section)